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Uniforms that provide improved comfort and increased durability. The Ministry of Defence is strengthening cooperation with manufacturers of military gear and clothing for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Міноборони посилює співпрацю з виробниками речового майна для ЗСУ

The Defence Ministry is enhancing its collaboration with manufacturers and suppliers of military gear and clothing for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The primary focus will be on implementing innovations that enhance the military's combat readiness while also improving their comfort during missions.

This was discussed at a meeting with representatives of Ukrainian businesses, the Central Department of Development and Material Support, and the State Operator for Non-Lethal Acquisition (DOT), the Ministry of Defence's acquisition agency.

The meeting participants particularly discussed the following:

• Modernizing fabrics and materials used for military uniforms; 

• Implementing advanced processing technologies to enhance product durability and wear resistance;

• Analyzing the effectiveness of new gear and clothing models in real combat scenarios.

Основну увагу буде приділено впровадженню інновацій, які можуть підвищити бойову готовність військових і покращити їх комфорт під час виконання завдань.

Deputy Minister of Defence of Ukraine, Dmytro Klimenkov, underscored the importance of equipping the military with modern, high-quality, and safe gear that aligns with the demands of contemporary armed conflicts.

“Modernization of military gear and clothing for the Armed Forces of Ukraine is a critical step to improve the effectiveness of our military. We must equip our defenders with superior materials and cutting-edge technologies to enhance their combat readiness and ensure their comfort in the most challenging conditions. In collaboration with manufacturers, we will implement innovative solutions that address the demands of today,” underscored Dmytro Klimenkov.

The Ministry of Defence of Ukraine emphasizes the importance of cooperation with Ukrainian businesses to introduce innovations and provide high-quality gear and supplies for service members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

учасники зустрічі обговорили:  модернізацію тканин та матеріалів для військової форми;  впровадження новітніх технологій обробки, аналіз ефективності нових зразків спорядження в реальних бойових умовах.

Дмитро Кліменков підкреслив важливість забезпечення військових сучасним, якісним і безпечним спорядженням, яке відповідатиме вимогам сучасного збройного конфлікту.


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