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This year, 26 more GCS mechanized demining machines will be delivered to Ukraine

Цього року до України поставлять ще 26 машин механізованого розмінування GCS

Currently, 62 GCS-200 mechanized demining machines are in operation across various regions of Ukraine. This year, their fleet is expected to be expanded by another 26 units. 

Representatives of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine visited the production facilities of the Swiss-German company Global Clearance Solutions in Germany, which develops and tests GCS demining machines. The visit was held at the invitation of the leadership of the company's Ukrainian branch. 

The GCS-200 unmanned multi-purpose platform, units of which were delivered last year to a military unit of the Support Forces Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, comes in several modifications. As a tracked vehicle, it boasts exceptional maneuverability, allowing it to turn on the spot with a minimum radius of roughly four meters.


The project is financed by international donors, including the governments of Germany, Switzerland, Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Lithuania, as well as through the United24 platform.

Using mechanized demining machines reduces the risks for sappers and accelerates the land clearing process. This was emphasized by Colonel Yevhenii Zubarevskyi, Head of the Mine Action Organization Department — Deputy Head of the Mine Action Directorate of the Main Directorate of Mine Action, Civil Protection, and Environmental Safety.


“Global Clearance Solutions is a global leader in manufacturing robotic demining systems, with its equipment deployed by the Ukraine’s Armed Forces, the State Special Transport Service, the State Emergency Service, and the National Police. The equipment is actively deployed in the demining of Ukrainian territory. These are reliable, modern systems that have demonstrated their effectiveness in carrying out operations. It is important to note that the company delivers a comprehensive range of services to the Security and Defence Forces, including training and technical support for its machines. In addition to mechanized demining machines, Global Clearance Solutions is developing cutting-edge technologies to automate the demining process, utilizing UAVs and sensors to detect explosive devices,” said Yevhenii Zubarevskyi.


  • International cooperation
  • International assistance
  • Weapons and equipment