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The Ministry of Defence has enhanced quality control over goods supplied to the State Special Transport Service

Для забезпечення високої ефективності контролю ДССТ отримає доступ до сучасних лабораторій Міноборони

The Ministry of Defence of Ukraine continues to enhance quality control of goods supplied to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. From now on, the Main Department of Quality Control will inspect goods procured for the State Special Transport Service.

Foodstuff, as well as gear and clothing items, including gear and personal protective equipment, will be checked if their procurement cost surpasses a defined financial threshold. The control will also extend to fuels and lubricants procured in large quantities. 

“Our goal is to ensure consistent quality standards for all products supplied to the units of the Ministry of Defence. This is crucial for ensuring high combat readiness and safeguarding the safety of every warrior,” emphasized Deputy Minister of Defence of Ukraine, Brigadier General of Justice Serhii Melnyk. 

To ensure high control efficiency, the State Special Transport Service will be granted access to the Ministry of Defence's modern laboratories.

“The Main Department of Quality Control will enable the State Special Transport Service to carry out detailed testing of goods supplied to the units in its laboratories. This will enable us to identify potential deficiencies in the supply chain in a timely manner and address them swiftly,” said Major General Oleksandr Yakovets, Head of the Administration of the State Special Transport Service.


  • Procurement