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The Government has broadened the social protection offered to families of military personnel, those who went missing, and individuals with disabilities

Families of service members who went missing and were subsequently declared dead will be eligible for one-time financial assistance within three years from the date the court's decision is put into effect. Upon the proposal of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the corresponding amendments to the payment procedure.

Previously, the timeframe of three years for providing necessary documents for one-time financial support was counted from the date of death recorded on the death certificate. As a result, close relatives of service members who were declared dead by the court after being missing for an extended period could forfeit their eligibility for support due to the expiration of the eligibility timeframe prior to the court's verdict.

From now on, the application window for receiving financial assistance will commence from the date of the court decision declaring the service member's death. In this way, social guarantees will be ensured for the families of the fallen defenders.

Furthermore, the Government has introduced a special one-time monetary assistance payment for individuals who have a degree 1 disability. The reason for this is that such people need urgent and expensive medical care. Significant delays in the general queue often result in individuals not receiving care while they are still alive.

Amendments are made to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 975 dated December 25, 2013 «On Approval of the Procedure for Appointment and Payment of a One-Time Financial Assistance in Case of Fatality (Death), Disability, or Partial Disability (without Assigning a Disability Status) of Service Members, Persons Liable for Military Service, and Reservists Called to Training (or Examination) and Special Training or for Service in the Military Reserve» and No. 168 of February 28, 2022 «On Certain Payments During Martial Law to Military Personnel of Enlisted and Senior Staff, to Police Officers, and to Their Families.»


  • Welfare