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SpetsTechnoExport state enterprise is brought under the supervision of the Ministry of Defence by the Government

Today, on October 4, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has decided to transfer the holistic property complex of the State Self-Sustaining Foreign Trade Enterprise SpetsTechnoExport, a subsidiary of the State Company Ukrspecexport, to the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine.

Due to problems with accounts receivable and other violations in financial and economic activities, the Ministry of Defence initiated an audit of SpetsTechnoExport's operations.

The decision was taken following the audit team's struggles with significant obstacles like restricted access to documents and the accounting system during the internal audit.

The primary concerns revolve around the lack of access to original documents, delays in information provision, and incomplete responses to requests, which hamper the ability to perform a full audit.

This marks the first attempt in the past two years that the Defence Ministry inspects the operations of SpetsTechnoExport after its transfer from UkrOboronProm to the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine in 2022.

The assessment of the company's operation will be ready when the currently ongoing audit concludes.

As part of its further reform initiatives, the Ministry of Defence intends to liquidate special import companies and transfer their responsibilities under the Defence Procurement Agency to avoid duplication of functions and improve efficiency in the defense sector.


  • Inspections and audits