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Foreign service members in the Ukrainian army will undergo polygraph check

Foreigners and individuals without citizenship who wish to serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the State Special Transport Service of Ukraine, and the National Guard of Ukraine will be subjected to psychophysiological examination. The Cabinet of Ministers approved the corresponding Resolution drafted by the Ministry of Defence.

The psychophysiological examination using a polygraph will be carried out by the newly formed Center for Recruiting Foreigners and Stateless Persons, with the participation of specialists from the Ministry of Defence and the National Guard. The examination will be held in the candidate's language of proficiency.

A psychophysiological examination using a polygraph will be required for candidates applying for officer positions and positions involving access to state secrets. It will also be required for candidates who have provided dubious information about themselves. 

Active foreign military personnel may undergo this check at the initiative of the Security Service of Ukraine or the unit's command.

Candidates must provide written consent to undergo the examination and have no medical contraindications.  Refusal to consent may be grounds for denial of military service enlistment. 

The Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Internal Affairs are required to amend the relevant regulations within one month following the entry into force of this Resolution.


  • Ministry activities