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During training in Kosovo, Ukrainian sappers have attained the highest qualification in explosive ordnance disposal

Українські сапери здобули найвищу кваліфікацію зі знешкодження вибухонебезпечних предметів на курсах у Косові

A group of service members from the Defence Forces of Ukraine completed the highest-level IMAS EOD LEVEL 3+ explosive ordnance disposal training and obtained the corresponding qualification. The training was conducted at the certified MAT Kosovo training center, which has been operating in Kosovo since 1999. 

During the training, our specialists gained practical experience in neutralizing ground- and air-launched munitions, guided munitions with depleted uranium, rocket fuel elements, and chemical warfare agents, as well as different types of aerial bombs. 

Furthermore, they shared practical knowledge with the expert instructors of the training center, who have carried out similar missions in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, the Balkan region, and other conflict zones worldwide. 

Обмін практичним досвідом з  фахівцями-інструкторами тренувального центру.

“russian occupiers are increasingly deploying advanced munitions, including those prohibited by international conventions, to kill civilians and lay mines across our territories. To effectively neutralize these explosive ordnance, we must continually enhance our theoretical knowledge and practical skills, learn from the combat experiences of other countries, and adopt the best practices of demining teams operating in diverse conditions and complexities,” said Colonel Oleh Shuvarskyi, Head of the Mine Action Department and Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of Mine Action, Civil Protection, and Environmental Safety. 

Українські сапери здобули найвищу кваліфікацію  на курсах у Косові

He also expressed gratitude to the Canadian charitable organization Mriya Aid for its support in organizing and conducting training for Ukrainian military personnel in Kosovo.

Українські сапери здобули найвищу кваліфікацію зі знешкодження вибухонебезпечних предметів


  • Demining