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The Ministry of Defence explains how to generate an electronic referral for military medical examination via Reserve+

The Reserve+ app offers a convenient way for individuals liable for military service to voluntarily submit a request and receive an electronic referral for a fitness-for-service examination by the Military Medical Commission (MMC) without the need to visit the Territorial Recruitment and Social Support Center (enlistment office). 

The Ministry of Defence answers essential questions about the new feature. 

What has changed for individuals liable for military service?

Previously, an individual liable for military service could receive a referral to the MMC only in paper form. To do this, a visit to the enlistment office was required.

Now, those seeking to undergo a fitness-for-service examination can obtain an online referral to MMC. The request can be submitted effortlessly with just a few clicks in the Reserve+ app.

Does it mean the referral generated in Reserve+ directs an individual to go straight to a medical facility?

Yes, that is correct. Upon submitting a request via Reserve+, a person will receive a notification within a day, which includes all the required details: the referral number and registration date, the address of the healthcare facility for the fitness-for-service examination, and the enlistment office whose head signed the referral. This notification contains all the necessary details to schedule the examination.

Who can get an electronic referral for the MMC?

The Reserve+ feature is currently available to those liable for military service who wish to undergo a fitness-for-service examination voluntarily. That is, for those who have not received call-up papers for the fitness-for-service examination.

I received call-up papers for MMC. Do I need to appear at the enlistment office?

For now, yes. Soon, we will also introduce the option for an electronic referral for individuals who have already received a paper-based summons for a fitness-for-service examination.

Do I have to visit the enlistment office after undergoing the fitness-for-service examination at the MMC to update my military registration document?

This is not necessary. The Military Medical Commission will forward the data to the enlistment office. The personnel of the enlistment office will enter the data into the Oberih register, and the user will obtain an updated military registration document in the Reserve+ app.

What happens if I generate an electronic referral and fail to attend the MMC for a fitness-for-service examination?

If an individual liable for military service voluntarily chooses to undergo a fitness-for-service examination but does not appear, the notification in Reserve+ remains valid for 30 days. After that, the request must be resubmitted, and a notification with either the same or the updated information will appear in the app.

Will the call-up papers for the MMC also be in electronic form?

No, the call-up papers will remain in paper form. They will continue to be sent by regular mail. In Reserve+, enlistment offices cannot independently initiate requests for a fitness-for-service examination at MMC, nor any other call-up papers. Electronic call-up papers are not defined in the legislation. The electronic referral feature for a fitness-for-service examination at MMC is offered on a voluntary basis. It can only be initiated by a user of the Reserve+ app.

Will all referrals now be digital?

No, the paper-based option remains available. If preferred, such as when a smartphone is unavailable, a person liable for military service can still receive a paper referral to the MMC, as they did previously.

How frequently is it required to undergo a fitness-for-service examination at MMC?

The MMC decision regarding the fitness-for-service of a person liable for military service is valid for one year from the date of the medical examination. Therefore, individuals liable for military service are required to update their medical records annually.

Do I have to undergo a fitness-for-service examination at MMC if I have a reservation?

If a person is granted a reservation or deferment, they are not required to undergo a fitness-for-service examination.

The exception applies to individuals with the status of 'limited fitness' – they are required to undergo a follow-up examination by the Military Medical Commission within the time limits set by law. Therefore, an individual with a 'limited fitness' status may receive call-up papers to undergo a fitness-for-service examination, and in this case, they must report to the MCC, even if they have a reservation or deferral.



  • Digitalization
  • Ministry activities