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The Ministry of Defence and the ‘Heart of Azovstal’ NGO have united their efforts to support the rehabilitation of defenders

Міноборони та «Серце Азовсталі» об’єднали зусилля для реабілітації захисників Маріуполя

The Ministry of Defence of Ukraine has signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the ‘Heart of Azovstal’ NGO, which supports the defenders of Mariupol.

The Memorandum details cooperation in providing psychological assistance and introducing methods to restore the psycho-emotional state of military personnel and their families. 

The parties also agreed to work together to help service members with combat-related functional impairments reintegrate into civilian life.

Сторони домовились спільно допомагати в інтеграції до цивільного життя військовослужбовців, які втратили функціональні можливості внаслідок бойових дій

“This memorandum aims to unite the expertise of the state and the public sector in the comprehensive rehabilitation of military personnel. Today, 2,500 military psychologists serve within the Ministry of Defence framework, having assisted 73,000 service members last year. Civil society organizations possess valuable experience in rehabilitating service members, and it is crucial to study this experience and adopt its best practices,” said Deputy Minister of Defence of Ukraine, Brigadier General of Justice Serhii Melnyk.

Міністерство оборони України підписало Меморандум про співпрацю з громадською організацією «Серце Азовсталі», яка опікується захисниками Маріуполя.


  • Ministry activities
  • Healthcare