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The Government has set new regulations governing repayment for early termination of studies at military educational institutions

The Ministry of Defence is refining the mechanism by which cadets and officers must repay the state for their tuition fees in the event of early termination of studies or dismissal from military service within the first five years (or ten years for military pilots) after graduation.

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the corresponding amendments to the Procedure for Repayment of Expenses by Cadets and Officers Related to Their Education in Higher Institutions, approved by Resolution No. 964 dated 12.07.2006.

The updated procedure applies not only to higher education institutions but also to institutions of specialized pre-higher military education. The document also reflects the specific aspects of service during martial law and mobilization.

New grounds for repayment have also been introduced, including the loss of Ukrainian citizenship and refusal to continue service in a sergeant, non-commissioned officer, or officer position.

The repaid amounts by cadets and officers will be allocated to the general fund of the state budget. This is in line with budget legislation requirements and ensures transparency in the use of public funds.

“The approved amendments will enhance cadets' responsibility and personal discipline during studies while also increasing the transparency of the military specialist training system in Ukraine,” said Volodymyr Mirnenko, Head of the Department of Military Education and Science of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine.

In the near future, similar amendments will be made to the relevant regulations governing the training of specialists for the National Police, the State Emergency Service, and the State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection.


  • Ministry activities