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State standardization now recognizes the use of UAV and satellite imagery in demining activities

At the state standard level, Ukraine has regulated using UAV and satellite imagery analysis for surveying areas affected by explosive ordnance. 

The National Standardization Agency has adopted the relevant SSU (State Standard of Ukraine) 8820-5:2024 “Mine Action. Management processes. Section 5. Processes of land release.”

The document outlines the fundamental principles for establishing and operating a system for clearing (releasing) territories.

Section 5 of this state standard enhances the procedure for identifying areas as safe following non-technical and technical surveys and their subsequent clearance of explosive hazards. 

Another key objective outlined by the drafters is to incorporate both the international and the national best practices in mine action in Ukraine. In addition, national regulations on the process of releasing land from the risks of explosive hazards were harmonized with the International Mine Action Standards (IMAS).

With representatives of the Technical Committee for Standardization, with the support of the Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) and the OSCE, experts from the Main Directorate for Mine Action, Civil Protection, and Environmental Safety worked on the document.


  • Demining
  • Ministry activities