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Munition delivered, food and uniforms are sufficient: brigade inspection results from the front

During his working visit to the eastern frontline, Deputy Defence Minister Dmytro Klimenkov inspected the supply of equipment, ammunition, food, uniforms, and gear for the Ukrainian military.

Dmytro Klimenkov spoke with service members and gathered information on the situation from commanders at different levels. Based on the visit results, operational decisions were made, including measures to ensure ammunition supplies. Military units received the necessary means of destruction to effectively engage in combat and repel the assaults of russian invaders.

Additional attention will be given to providing military equipment and addressing other specific problematic matters.

“Following the Minister's instructions, we checked the supply at the front. Communicating needs “on command” through a lengthy chain is ineffective and results in losing critical time. Actions were taken to immediately resolve the identified issues. I believe that this will serve as a signal and an example. If problems arise, the Ministry is ready to get involved and solve them,” said Dmytro Klimenkov.

In other aspects, service members are adequately supplied with food, garments, and personal protective gear, such as body armor and helmets. The necessary stocks have been accumulated.

“In terms of provision, clothing, and gear, we are already seeing the results of a systematic approach: service members receive sufficient nutrition, appropriate clothing, and have ample access to necessary supplies. Our goal is to have weapons and ammunition available in reserve,” emphasized Dmytro Klimenkov.

The Ministry of Defence continues to address issues and improve the army's logistics system to ensure our defenders have the best conditions to carry out combat missions.

“Each of us, from commanders to those working in the rear, must make every effort to ensure that our military has everything needed to defend Ukraine,” the Deputy Minister of Defence emphasized.


  • Provisioning
  • Inspections and audits
  • Ministry activities