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Modernization of helicopters and the supply of components: Anatolii Klochko met with the Ukrainian Army Aviation Command

Модернізація вертольотів, постачання комплектуючих

Plans for modernizing aviation equipment were discussed during a visiting meeting between Brigadier General Anatolii Klochko, Deputy Minister of Defence of Ukraine, and Colonel Pavlo Bardakov, Army Aviation Commander.

The meeting was also attended by the Сommand of one of the Army Aviation Brigade and the Head of a dedicated unit of the Ministry of Defence. 


The Deputy Minister announced plans to equip military helicopters with new essential components.

Another issue addressed during the visit was the enhancement of airfield infrastructure, as well as the territory and facilities of military units.


Anatolii Klochko bestowed the Minister of Defence's distinctions upon a number of Army Aviation service members.

“I thank the Army Aviation pilots for their service. We are focused on enhancing the aircraft currently in service while also anticipating the arrival of new ones to ensure you can fight with maximum efficiency,” said Anatolii Klochko.

The meeting participants discussed the challenges that need to be addressed to expedite helicopter repairs, as well as the production and supply of spare parts.


  • Ministry activities
  • Weapons and equipment