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Ivan Havryliuk, during a meeting with the leadership of an American think tank, stated: 'US support is crucial for us'

The First Deputy Minister of Defence of Ukraine, Lieutenant General Ivan Havryliuk, emphasized the importance of comprehensive assistance from the United States for Ukraine.

He made this statement during a meeting in Kyiv with a delegation from the Hudson Institute, a U.S. think tank led by its president, John Walters.

Ivan Havryliuk expressed gratitude to the American people for their support in the fight against russian aggression.

“The comprehensive support from the United States, including military and political aid, is crucial for us,” stated the First Deputy Minister of Defence of Ukraine.

Перший заступник міністра оборони України генерал-лейтенант Іван Гаврилюк підкреслив важливість для України всебічної допомоги з боку США.

During the meeting, the Ukrainian side briefed the American delegation on the urgent needs of the Defence Forces of Ukraine.

In particular, the discussion focused on the types of weapons and ammunition most urgently needed by Ukraine. 

Під час зустрічі українська сторона ознайомила американських співрозмовників із нагальними потребами Сил оборони України.

It was highlighted that weapons supplied by the United States play a substantial role in the overall foreign military assistance.

The First Deputy Minister of Defence of Ukraine emphasized that the effective deployment of American long-range weapons has been a key factor in diminishing russia's offensive capabilities.