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International partners have provided Ukrainian military ecologists with advanced chemical analysis equipment

Обладнання допоможе оцінювати ступінь небезпеки ґрунтів, які забруднені вибухонебезпечними залишками війни

Ukrainian military ecologists received modern portable spectrometers for detecting hazardous substances. This equipment will help evaluate the level of danger posed by soils contaminated with explosive remnants of war.

The equipment was provided as part of international aid with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Swedish government.

The official ceremony took place in Kyiv with the participation of Nils Dahlqvist, First Secretary of the Embassy of Sweden in Ukraine, who handed over the equipment to Colonel Oleh Riabchuk, Head of the Center of Excellence for Mine Action and Environmental Safety.

Ukrainian military ecologists now possess the MX908 mass spectrometer and the Raman Serstech Arx analyzer to identify hazardous substances.

The MX908 is a multi-mission portable mass spectrometer for real-time detection and identification of chemicals. It will be used for detecting both chemical and explosive substances.


This device uses high-pressure mass spectrometry (HPMS) to detect and identify compounds at the residue level with exceptional sensitivity and selectivity.

The Raman Serstech Arx analyzer is built on a modern software platform and features a Quick Scan mode, allowing for faster and more accurate results when detecting military and industrial explosives, chemical warfare agents, and toxic materials. Its database includes more than 2,200 hazardous substances.


“With these devices, we will be able to accurately identify chemical threats in surveyed areas, allowing us to plan measures more efficiently to mitigate environmental impact and enhance ecological safety,” said Colonel Yurii Sytnyk, Head of the Environmental Safety Department of the Main Directorate of Mine Action, Civil Protection, and Environmental Safety.

For his part, Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of Mine Action, Civil Protection, and Environmental Safety, Colonel Valerii Veber, thanked UNDP and Swedish representatives for their continued support of Ukraine in its resistance against the russian aggressor and for their technical assistance in surveying areas contaminated with hazardous remnants of war.


  • International assistance