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Follow-up fitness-for-service examination by the Military Medical Commission for individuals with 'limited fitness' status: the deadline is proposed to be extended to June 5

The new deadline for the follow-up fitness-for-service examination by the Military Medical Commission (MMC) for Ukrainian citizens with 'limited fitness' status is proposed to be June 5, 2025. 

The corresponding draft law is being prepared for consideration. The draft law amends paragraph 2 of Section II, “Final and Transitional Provisions” of the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine to Ensure the Social Protection Rights of Military Personnel and Police Officers.”

Individuals liable for military service who are classified as limited fit for military service will be required to either visit the enlistment office or receive a referral for the fitness-for-service examination at the MMC through the Conscript’s Electronic Cabinet.

Non-fulfillment or untimely fulfilling the new requirement will be considered an administrative violation.

Under current legislation, all individuals with a limited fitness for military service must undergo a follow-up medical examination by February 4, inclusive. However, only 25% of them have completed this requirement.


  • Healthcare
  • Recruitment and mobilization